
Guide To P076B OBD Error Code Solutions

OBD Code P076B - Shift Solenoid H Performance/Stuck Off

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Want to learn something more about this fault code? This diagnostic fault code is a generic powertrain code, which means that it would apply to the OBD-II equipped vehicles. The specific repair steps can vary as it depends upon the vehicle make and model.

Learn More About OBD Error Code P076B

Want to learn more about the P076B fault code?


The error code P076B can be defined as Shift Solenoid H Performance or Stuck Off. It is the shift solenoid valve ‘H’ which is turned ON or OFF by the transmission control module in response to signals sent from the park/neutral position (PNP) switch, vehicle speed and engine control module. After that the gears would be shifted to the optimum position.


What causes this problem with the Shift Solenoid H Performance/Stuck Off?


  • Polluted fluid
  • The transmission filter might be grubby or clogged
  • Inadequate fluid level
  • Unsound PCM
  • Faults in the transmission valve body
  • The shift solenoid might not be working properly
  • Corroded or shivered connector
  • Some defects in the wiring
  • Cramped hydraulic passages
  • There can be an internal failure in the transmission

Replace/Repair These Parts To Fix OBD Code P076B

  1. Powertrain Control Module - A faulty Powertrain Control Module can be troublesome. You can always rely on us as we have best auto parts for our customers.
  2. Automatic Transmission Sensor - If everything is alright with PCM, then there is surely some defect in Automatic Transmission Sensor. Get it replaced before the situation gets worse.
  3. Automatic Transmission Filter - P076B code can display due to some issues in the Automatic Transmission Filter. So, it is very important to replace the Automatic Transmission Filter with us at equitable prices.
  4. Automatic Transmission Fluid - Do you remember when was the last time you got your car Automatic Transmission Fluid checked up? A dirty Automatic Transmission Fluid can cause a lot of issues like displaying P076B code.
  5. Timing Gears - Poor Timing Gears can cause a lot of difficulties, so why not get it replaced at time?
  6. Auto Transmission Valve Body Kit - Are there some faults in your Auto Transmission Valve Body Kit? Don’t waste time and get them replaced or else P076B code can turn up.
  7. Automatic Transmission Master Rebuild Kit - OBD Code P076B can appear because of faulty Automatic Transmission Master Rebuild Kit.

Symptoms Of OBD Error Code P076B

There could be countless symptoms which that would accompany with this fault code. Willing to know some common symptoms of OBD Trouble Code P076B? Your wish is our demand. Have a look at them below:


Common Symptoms


  • Diminishing fuel economy
  • Possible engine misfire
  • Vehicle enters limp mode
  • Shimmering of the check engine light
  • Transmission sliding
  • Transmission might start overheating
  • Problem of transmission catches in gear

How To Correct P076B Shift Solenoid H Performance/Stuck Off

Looking out for some ways with the help of which you can correct this fault code? Then you have arrived at the correct place. We are here to help you out, so you must check out the steps mentioned below as follows:


  • If you find out that the overall fluid level is low, then it should be corrected properly
  • Rebuild the defective powertrain control module
  • Repair or replace the malfunctioning wiring
  • Restore the transmission filter
  • Adjust the faulty shift solenoid
  • Make sure that you repair the defective transmission valve body
  • Internal failure in the transmission should be checked

Don’t get tensed if you are still facing any of these issues as we care for our customers and that’s why we offer a good range of TCM, Engine Light, Transmission Clutch, Quality Transmission, Precision Transmission, Manual Transmission Fluid, Transmission Oil, Auto Transmission, Solenoid Car, Aft Fluid and a lot more. We are sure that now all your issues would be resolved.

Easy Diagnosis Of Engine Error OBD Code P076B

It is essential to diagnose this fault code. Here are some steps which a mechanic should follow for diagnosing the problem that triggered a P076B code to be stored:


First of all you should research the technical service bulletins (TSBs) for the specific vehicle by year, model and transmission before you start with the troubleshooting process for any malfunction.


There can be some situations where this can save a lot of your precious time in the long run by pointing you in the correct way. The vehicle records should be checked to verify the last time that the filter and fluid was changed if possible.


First thing which you should do is to check the fluid level and make sure it is correct and then check the overall condition of the fluid for contamination. Then visual inspection should be performed to check the associated wiring for obvious faults such as scraping, rubbing, bare wires, or burn spots should be performed.


After that examine the connectors and connections for security, corrosion and damaged pins. All wiring and connectors to the transmission solenoids, transmission pump and the PCM should be included in this process. It is based upon the configuration; the transmission linkage should be checked for security and binding problems.


The advanced steps become very vehicle specific and appropriate advanced equipment would be required to perform precisely. A digital multimeter and the specific technical references for the vehicle would be needed to carry out this procedure.


Voltage requirements will differ depending upon the specific year and model of the vehicle. You should follow the specific troubleshooting chart for your vehicle. Perform the continuity checks with the power removed from the circuit and the normal readings for wiring and connections should be 0 ohms of resistance unless otherwise specified by the technical data. Resistance or no continuity indicate that there are some faults in the wiring that is open or shorted. Get it repaired or replaced as per the need.


Common Mistakes When Diagnosing The P076B Code


  • Malfunctioning transmission shift solenoid
  • Wiring related issues
  • There can be a failure in the transmission control module
  • Diminishing transmission fluid level

Other Diagnostic Codes Related To OBD Code P076B

P076A - Shift Solenoid H Malfunction

P076C - Shift Solenoid H Stuck On

P076D - Shift Solenoid H Electrical

P076E - Shift Solenoid H Intermittent