
Prep Your Car For Snow Storm

Snowstorm Proof Yourself And Your vehicle

With all the scenic wonders come the various weather challenges in Canada. While certain parts of the country step into spring, some parts are still under the winter phase in March.

During this time snow storms may set in and last a few days and hence it is important to prepare yourself. Safety should never be compromised on, be it at home, on the road, alone or in a group. We have dissected the snow storm preparation into before, during and after stages so that you are stress free. Here’s a list of what to do during a snowstorm, and how one can be well prepared before, during and after:

Preparation BEFORE the Snowstorm:

Preparation BEFORE the Snowstorm:
  1. Be familiar with your area if you aren’t already familiar with it. What kind of extreme weather conditions does your region face during different times of the year. This is especially important if you have moved cities, weather conditions across Canada differ and hence it is important to be well aware of what may come your way during March. Apart from the weather you need to also scan the landscape, do you have steep hills or sharp turns nearby? During a snow storm these may be difficult to navigate, with black ice and snow piling up.
  2. Be smart and listen to your local radio and news for weather updates, weather apps will also help you keep in sync with any weather conditions. Find accurate weather alerts on Weather Canada. Do not underestimate the accuracy of weather forecasts, it’s always better to stay safe and indoors than travel and get stuck in a snowstorm. 
  3. Winterise your home and your vehicle. Do not compromise on the latter, it is crucial that you have extra blankets, in your house and car. Driving is impossible without clear visibility, during damp and snowy weather, winter wipers are going to save you a lot of anxiety. Check lights, ensure they’re working properly, this will help you AND others on road be safe. Brakes need to be in prime condition as do the exhaust system.
  4. Install appropriate winter tires so that driving on snowy and wet roads is safer.  Check tire pressure to ride safely in black ice and wet weather. Tires that don’t give a solid grip to the road can cause accidents easily. It is important to drive slow, and always keep the flashers on.
  5. Ensure your winter car kit is not missing any essential items. Sometimes the batteries on the flash light die out, or your neighbour is yet to return the shovel he borrowed from you, make sure there’s warm clothes for more than one person at-least available in the car. Check if you are missing any essential tools, kept them back in the car after the DIY project you did at home? This is a good time to check.
  6. Discuss snowy storm emergency protocol with your family openly, everyone should be aware and hence mentally prepared to deal with emergencies which may happen at home or in the car. If possible keep a print of contact numbers in the car for reference.
  7. Always keep your gas tank full, check the daily weather conditions before stepping out in your vehicle. If you are not experienced in driving around snowy ploughs and low visibility it’s better to stay home or have someone else drive you.

What to do DURING a snowstorm:

What to do DURING a snowstorm:
  1. Pay attention to weather warnings, and abide by them. Change your schedule and find out if you can stay in and work from home or shift appointments and chores to fit the weather.
  2. During a snowstorm avoid going out in your car, in case you HAVE to step outside try the ‘buddy system’ and take someone along with you. Make sure that your car is winterized and can stand the extreme snowstorm situation well.
  3. Ensure your phone is fully charged and communication can be made with family and authorities for any emergencies. memorize numbers and have important information handy 
  4. Dress appropriately, and keep pets safe and warm in the house. Children need to be kept extra warm and preferably at home during snow storms.
  5. Keep check on neighbors, friends and family, and stay in doors as much as possible. Staying united and knowing others can rely on you and you can rely causes great calm. Make a call or message and keep in contact with people in close proximity.
  6. Perform simple DIY winter car maintenance at home to fix any issues with your car. Being home-bound can be a good time to run simple maintenance checks, you can also replace certain parts on your own with step by step guides, order car parts from the comfort of your home and don’t risk safety, have them reach your doorstep no matter where you are in Canada by Parts Avatar!

Managing safety AFTER snowstorm:

Managing safety AFTER snowstorm:
  1. Keep up the cautiousness, and be aware of the weather conditions. Keep checking your weather update source and keep a close eye on.
  2. Check your car before you leave, and protect yourself from wind chill. The ramps and hills may still be slippery and black ice can cause the greatest driving dangers. So be safe and observe caution even after the snowstorm has passed.
  3. Dress appropriately and take breaks between clearing snow, let your body get the rest to warm up. Exerting yourself can cause fatigue, in low temperatures it’s advisable to keep yourself warm and use the correct tools to clear up snow, also wear appropriate clothing.

If you are anticipating a snow storm in your region or simply want to be prepared, check out these products that will help enhance road/driving safety. In case you are stuck at home and have minor repairs, you can simply order online from the comfort of your home and have your order reach you at your doorstep. Simply apply DIY checks and repairs to fix your car.