P207E - OBD Trouble Code
OBD Code P207E - Intake Manifold Tuning (IMT) Valve Position Sensor/Switch Circuit Intermittent Bank 2
This is a
generic powertrain diagnostic trouble code (DTC) and typically applies to
OBD-II vehicles. Vehicle makes may include but aren't limited to Saturn, Land
Rover, Porsche, Vauxhall, Dodge, Chrysler, Mazda, Mitsubishi, Chevy, Honda,
Acura, Isuzu, Ford, etc. The ECM (Engine control module) is responsible for
monitoring and adjusting numerous sensors and systems involved in the operation
of your vehicle. Not to mention detect faults within said systems and circuits.
One of the systems that your ECM is responsible for monitoring and correlating
with desired values is, the Intake Manifold Tuning Valve.
Learn More About OBD Error Code P207E
P207E is the trouble code identified as "Intake Manifold Tuning Valve Position Sensor/Switch Circuit Intermittent Bank 2" and this indicates that the ECM has detected too low of electrical reading from the valve on bank 2. Bank 2 is the side of the engine that does not contain cylinder 1. This code can be triggered by either a mechanical or electrical fault with the intake manifold tuning valve. If you are located in an area susceptible to extreme cold weather, it can cause the valve to malfunction and not rotate fluently according to the ECM's desires.
What causes this problem with the Intake Manifold Tuning (IMT) Valve Position Sensor/Switch Circuit Intermittent Bank 2?
- Faulty PCM driver
- Broken control module ground wire
- Lose control module ground strap
- Defective fuel injector control module
- In rare cases, a faulty PCM or CAN bus
- Defective electrical components in the PCM or the controller area network (CAN) bus
Replace/Repair These Parts To Fix OBD Code P207E
- Engine Control Module - If there
is any corrosion or breaks in the internal wiring of the harness, then it can
cause a short in the ECM or can also cause corrosion in the ECM through the
wiring harness. You
can always rely on us as we have best auto parts for our customers.
- Powertrain Control Module - The on
board computer, or powertrain control module is the brain of the engine control
system. Now if the brain is not working properly, then neither is the car
engine. Get
it replaced before the situation gets worse.
- Diagnostic Tools - Buy quality diagnostic
tools to check and diagnose OBD code P207E error with the help of experienced
mechanic. Visit us today!
- Intake Valve - Intake valve work by evenly distributing either air or an air/fuel mixture from the carburetor or throttle body to the cylinders. This is accomplished through careful engineering of both the design and orientation of the manifold. If an intake manifold has too many abrupt changes in orientation or contour, the flow of air can be impeded, which would result in poor operation. Check for damaged intake valves and replace them now!
- Intake Manifold - If a car is like your body, then the intake manifold is its lungs. The intake manifold is a series of tubes that distributes the air coming into the engine evenly to each of the cylinders, so that the right amount of air can mix with the right amount of gas. Thus, replace damaged intake manifold today!
Symptoms Of OBD Error Code P207E
Interested in knowing the symptoms to OBD code P207E? If yes, then you have arrived at the right place. We at Parts Avatar have listed out few common symptoms associated with Intake Manifold Tuning (IMT) Valve Position Sensor/Switch Circuit Intermittent Bank 2.
Common Symptoms
- Check Engine Light illumination
- Delayed acceleration
- Rough idling, and frequent stalling
- Fuel efficiency will likely be diminished as well
How To Correct P207E Intake Manifold Tuning (IMT) Valve Position Sensor/Switch Circuit Intermittent Bank 2
Have a look at some ways with which you can correct the P207E code:
- Reprogramming the PCM or updatingthe drivers
- Replacement of electrical components
- Replacement of ground wires or ground straps
- Replacement of the intake manifold tuning valve
- Replacement of intake manifold valve position sensor
There is no need to get strained if your OBD Code is still flashing up as we are here at your service. Have a look at our superior variety of Faulty Intake Manifold Tuning Valve Position Sensor, Intake Manifold Tuning Valve Position Switch, Intake Manifold Tuning Valve, Intake Manifold Runner Control, Powertrain Control Module and many more. Now all your problems would vanish within no time.
Easy Diagnosis Of Engine Error OBD Code P207E
P207E code will be diagnosed using a standard OBD-II trouble code scanner. A
certified mechanic will use the scanner to view the freeze frame data, and gain
information about the P207E code. The scanner will also be used to check for
the presence of additional trouble codes, which will need to be addressed in
the order in which they appear.
trouble codes will then need to be reset, and the vehicle restarted, so the
mechanic can see if the code remains detected. If not, then an intermittent
error should be suspected, or possibly an erroneous trigger.
the P207E code remains detected, then the mechanic will begin by visually
inspecting all of the electrical components in the system. Loose or corroded
connectors, open or shorted wires, and blown fuses will all need to be
replaced. The ground wire and ground strap should then be tested as well.
the issue is unresolved, then the mechanic will then need to use a specialized
CAN scanner to gather further information about the various control modules,
and pinpoint where the error is coming from.
After any replacements are made, the mechanic will need to halt the inspection, clear the trouble codes, and restart the vehicle, to see if the code remains detected. This will allow the mechanic to know as soon as the error has been fixed.
Mistakes When Diagnosing The P207E Code
P207E code is often accompanied by other trouble codes, which may be a reaction
to the communication errors created by the P207E code. It is common for these
reactionary codes to be unnecessarily inspected before the P207E code is, which
can lead to the erroneous replacements.