
P0544 - OBD Trouble Code

OBD Code P0544 - Exhaust Gas Temperature Sensor Circuit (Bank 1 Sensor 1)

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The trouble code P0544 can be identified as Exhaust Gas Temperature Sensor Circuit Bank 1 Sensor 1. The P0544 code would start appearing when the powertrain control module has detected a problem with the exhaust gas temperature sensor circuit.

Learn More about OBD Error Code P0544

If the voltage readings of the exhaust gas temperature sensor would start exceeding the manufacturer's specifications, then the P0544 trouble code would start flashing. This would also give rise to the illumination of the check engine light.


What causes this problem with the Exhaust Gas Temperature Sensor Circuit Bank 1 Sensor 1?


  • Broken wires or missing insulation may be causing a short directly to ground
  • There can be loose or corroded connectors or terminals
  • Failure in the sensor
  • A cat-back exhaust system without EGT provisions installed
  • Some defaults in the computer

Replace/Repair These Parts To Fix OBD Code P0544

  1. Exhaust Muffler - OBD Code P0544 can appear because of faulty Exhaust Muffler.
  2. Oxygen Sensor - There can be some issues with the Oxygen Sensor due to which you may see P0544 code appearing over and over again. Visit us to buy best quality Oxygen Sensor online.
  3. Powertrain Control Module - Are you facing some faults in your Powertrain Control Module? Don’t worry and get them replaced or else P0544 code can turn up.
  4. Air Fuel Ratio Sensor - Common cause behind this P0544 error code can be some fault in Air Fuel Ratio Sensor. So, it will be a good decision to replace them now.
  5. Engine Control Module - Air Fuel Ratio Sensor is perfectly fine but still but having that trouble code P0544 flashing? In such a situation your Engine Control Module might be faulty. Why don’t you think of getting that replaced?
  6. Catalytic Converter - The P0544 code can also arise due to some issues in Catalytic Converter. So it is advised to replace them as soon as possible.

Symptoms Of OBD Error Code P0544

It is essential to know the symptoms of an issue as only then you would be able to solve the problem. So that’s why we have listed out some major symptoms of OBD Code P0544 here:


Common Symptoms


  • There can be an illumination of the check engine light on the dashboard

How To Correct P0544 Exhaust Gas Temperature Sensor Circuit (Bank 1 Sensor 1)

If you wish to correct this fault code, then you have to follow certain steps. Correcting a problem needs your careful attention. Here are some ways with the help of which you will be able to correct the OBD Code P0544:


  • Verifying the code with the use of the code scanner, and then resetting the codes before doing a road test. Should the P0544 code come back, it is necessary to do an inspection of the exhaust gas temperature sensor circuitry
  • If this is in good condition, especially around the areas closest to the hottest exhaust components, proceed with the diagnostics. If there are signs of damage, burning, corrosion, and anything that needs repair, do the repairs and retest with the scanner
  • Disconnect the sensor connector and physically remove it. Use your ohmmeter to gauge the resistance of the sensor, looking for it to fall within the manufacturer's specs
  • If you find out that there are some faults in the sensor, then it should be replaced
  • Inspect the voltage at the sensor's connector
  • Repair or replace the powertrain control module


Parts Avatar Canada is here to solve all your issues related to car parts. We have stocked a wide range of best priced Ohmmeter, Egt, Exhaust catalyst and a lot more to help you out in fixing your car.

Easy Diagnosis Of Engine Error OBD Code P0544

If you want to easily diagnose this trouble code, then you must follow the steps which are mentioned here as below:


  • You will require an OBD-II scanner to diagnose the P0544 trouble code easily
  • The mechanic will look at the freeze frame data to determine precisely when the code was set before resetting the codes and doing a road test.
  • This will reveal if the code returns, and if so, further diagnosis would be needed
  • The first and the foremost step is to inspect all exhaust gas temperature sensor and all of its circuitry
  • If you find out that this wiring is in working order, the sensor should be disconnected and a digital ohmmeter should be used to check the resistance of the exhaust gas temperature sensor.
  • Make sure that it meets manufacturer specs, and if not, then there would be a need to replace it. If within the appropriate levels, the sensor must be manually tested
  • Replace the sensor if it fails to adjust smoothly during a manual test. If it is working properly, then there are chances that the powertrain control module is faulty


Common Mistakes When Diagnosing The P0544 Code


  • A major mistake made during a diagnosis of the P0544 code is for the technician to believe that the oxygen sensor is the exhaust gas temperature sensor or that they are integrated into one another as one unit
  • This is incorrect and replacing the oxygen sensor does not clear the code or solve the problem

Other Diagnostic Codes Related To OBD Code P0544

P0545 - Exhaust Gas Temperature Sensor Circuit Low (Bank 1 Sensor 1)

P0546 - Exhaust Gas Temperature Sensor Circuit High (Bank 1 Sensor 1)