
P2566 OBD Error Code: Problem & Solutions

OBD Code P2566 - Turbo Boost Control Position Sensor Circuit Intermittent

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Do you know when the P2566 error code will be initiated in your vehicle? Are you looking for the diagnostic procedure? Then keep going ahead. The P2566 error code will be initiated when the powertrain control module receives a sensor input voltage signal from the turbocharger boost control position sensor circuit which is higher or lower than the value which is specified by the manufacturer.

Learn More About OBD Error Code P2566

The P2566 error code shows that the PCM has found an abnormal reading from the turbocharger boost control position sensor circuit. This error code is most often linked with a P2562, P2563, P2564, and P2565 code.


What causes this problem with the Turbocharger Boost Control Position Sensor "A" Circuit Intermittent?


  • You might find the signal circuit from the ground to the TBCPS sensor to be shorted.
  • Most probably you might find an opening in the signal circuit to the TBCPS sensor.
  • The signal circuit might experience a short in voltage to the TBCPS sensor.
  • Most likely you might find an opening in the power or ground at the TBCPS sensor.
  • There might be a possibility of defective TBCPS sensor.
  • The powertrain control module can be malfunctioning and it is very rare.

Replace/Repair These Parts To Fix OBD Code P2566

  1. Turbocharger Boost Control Position Sensor - The best idea to get rid of the P2566 error code is to change the faulty turbocharger boost control position sensor.
  2. Turbocharger - Does the check engine light keep blinking? Then the turbocharger can be faulty which needs replacement to avoid the P2566 error code.
  3. Pressure Gauge - Do you find any blockages in the pressure gauge. Then it must be quickly removed to avoid further malfunctioning.
  4. Engine Control Module - The behaviour of your engine will be very erratic if the ECM is faulty or broken. Get it fixed or replaced as soon as possible by getting a new ECM from PartsAvatar.
  5. Powertrain Control Module - Does your engine turn off without any reason? Then it’s a high time to replace your PCM as it can be faulty.

Symptoms Of OBD Error Code P2566

If you are facing OBD error code P2566, then there are significant common symptoms that can be felt or observed. We have worked out a list here to help you out in understanding this problem better.


Common Symptoms


  • Malfunction indicator lamp might keep flashing.
  • Performance might be low by the engine.
  • During acceleration, the engine will hesitate to start.
  • As you accelerate, the engine might hesitate.
  • Fuel economy is decreased.

How To Correct P2566 Turbo Boost Control Position Sensor Circuit Intermittent

Learn the ways with which you can correct this trouble code:


  • The intercooler hoses and clamps which is fixed to the turbo and the loose intakes have to be made tight or changed.
  • The loose bolts which are fixed to the turbo of the engine need repair or replacement.
  • The broken wastegate has to be fixed or changed.
  • The turbo, as well as other components like an impeller which is damaged, has to be altered or fixed. The wire and connectors which are broken or defective have to be replaced or changed.
  • It is always best to make sure that the connectors are correctly fixed to the vehicle.

However, if you face any issue then we have stocked a wide range of best priced TBCPS, PCM, turbocharger, transmission temperature, lack, engine misfire, pressure gauge, boost pressure, RPM, spool up, spark plug, knock sensor, and more to help you out in fixing your car.

Easy Diagnosis Of Engine Error OBD Code P2566

It is essential to diagnose this fault code. Here are some steps which a mechanic should follow for diagnosing the problem that triggered a P2566 code to be stored:


  • Clear every of the error codes which is linked with the conditions of misfire and knocking of the engine.
  • Every of the turbo intake and intercooler hoses must be carefully checked for any leakages, cracks and other common tightness.
  • Carefully check if the turbo is very stable and see if there are any bolts which is set loose.
  • With the help of a booster gauge, the throttle must be actuated as the turbo is carefully inspected.
  • Carefully look at the boost gauge as you raise the pressure to 19 pounds and above.
  • Each of the wires and connectors must be carefully checked for any possible damages.
  • The actuator valve has to be engaged by hand with the help of a vacuum pump to check if the wastegate opens and closes as required.
  • The engine must be allowed to cool down and the inner part of the turbo has to be carefully inspected for any other standing oil.
  • Make sure that the impeller which sends the proper air flow through the turbo is good and fully functional.
  • Attach a vacuum gauge to the turbocharger and carefully check for the vacuum levels.
  • Both the electrical circuit and the connector of the turbo has to be tested for correct voltage and ground with the help of a digital volt/ohmmeter.
  • Each of the error code must be cleared and test drive the vehicle to make sure that the error code does not appear again.

Common mistakes when diagnosing the P2566 code


  • One of the common mistakes which the mechanic makes while clearing the P2566 error code is, failing to clear the debris or blocks from the turbocharger oiling system.
  • In turn, this can give rise to additional faults of the turbo as the codes are cleared.
  • It is always best that the mechanic checks for the proper functioning of the turbocharger wastegate and electrical circuit so as to avoid further trouble and turbo faults.

Other Diagnostic Codes Related To OBD Code P2566

P2562 - Turbocharger Boost Control Position Sensor "A" Circuit

P2563 - Turbocharger Boost Control Position Sensor "A" Circuit Range/Performance

P2564 - Turbocharger Boost Control Position Sensor "A" Circuit Low

P2565 - Turbocharger Boost Control Position Sensor "A" Circuit High