
Error Code P0B67: What It Means & What To Do?

OBD Code P0B67 - Hybrid Battery Voltage Sense "I" Circuit Intermittent/Erratic

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The trouble code P0B67 can be explained as Hybrid Battery Voltage Sense “I” Circuit Intermittent/Erratic. Are you experiencing sluggish acceleration? Is there a problem with the engine performance and affected fuel economy? All this with lights keeping stayed on due to high voltage may be due to vehicle battery problems leading to OBD code P0B67 error getting stored in the PCM.

Learn More About OBD Error Code P0B67

Do you want to know more about the P0B67 fault code? Don’t worry! Parts Avatar Canada is here at your service. The hybrid battery is being monitored by the engine control module. This trouble code would be set by the PCM when the hybrid battery would not be as per the specifications set by the manufacturer.

What causes this problem with the Hybrid Battery Voltage Sense "I" Circuit Intermittent/Erratic?

  • ECU and PCM failures
  • Hybrid battery pack damaged
  • Battery Interface Control Module faulty
  • Hybrid battery pack harness opened or shorted
  • Hybrid battery pack circuit poor electrical connection

Replace/Repair These Parts to Fix Code P0B67

  1. Battery Current Sensor - Defective car Battery Current Sensor can be a major reason why P0B67 code depicts. So make sure to replace it online so that you don’t have to face any further issues.
  2. Car Battery - Everything is okay with the ECM and still OBD code P0B67 triggering? Then there must be some defects in Car Battery. Replace them as soon as possible.
  3. Battery Coolant Pump - P0B67 code flashing? Get your Battery Coolant Pump inspected from a mechanic.
  4. Engine Control Module - If everything is alright with Battery Coolant Pump, then there is surely some defect in Engine Control Module. Get it replaced before the situation gets worse.
  5. Powertrain Control Module - P0B67 code can display due to some issues in the Powertrain Control Module. So it is very important to replace the Powertrain Control Module with us at equitable prices.
  6. Hybrid Battery - Do you remember when was the last time you got your car Hybrid Battery checked up? A dirty Hybrid Battery can cause a lot of issues like displaying P0B67 code.
  7. Electronic Control Unit - Are there some faults in your Electronic Control Unit? Don’t waste time and get them replaced or else P0B67 code can turn up.

Symptoms of The OBD Error Code P0B67

It is essential to know the symptoms of an issue as only then you would be able to solve the problem. So that’s why we have listed out some major symptoms of OBD Code P0B67 here:

Common Symptoms

  • Sluggish Acceleration
  • Vehicle Engine not starting
  • Electrical components not working properly
  • Malfunction Indicator Light On
  • Increased exhaust emission and temperatures

How To Correct Hybrid Battery Voltage Sense "I" Circuit Intermittent/Erratic

Learn the ways with which you can correct this P0B67 trouble code:

  • Make sure to fix the defective car battery
  • Fix the faulty hybrid battery pack switch
  • Restore the flawed hybrid battery pack circuit
  • Rehabilitate the defaults in the battery current sensor
  • The malfunctioning hybrid battery should be repaired or replaced as per the need
  • Repair or replace exhaust manifolds faults, if required
  • Hybrid battery connectors and wiring replacement
  • Check and replace oxygen sensor, if found faulty

If you need parts to fix this issue, you no longer need to search for them. We at Parts Avatar Canada have an extensive range of auto parts in stock from you, ranging from all replacement parts to all Hybrid Battery, Hybrid Battery Pack, Hybrid Battery Voltage Sensor, Oxygen Sensors, Battery Cable, Battery Contactor Assembly, Battery Control Module, Powertrain Control Module, Exhaust Manifold, Exhaust System, Battery Connectors, Battery Cables, Hybrid Battery Interface Control Module Battery Connection parts.

Easy Diagnosis Of Engine Error OBD Code P0B67

It is essential to diagnose this fault code. Here are some steps which a mechanic should follow for diagnosing the problem that triggered a P0B67 code to be stored:

  • The mechanic or the technician will use a diagnostic scanner or code reader like DVOM to visually scan for the error codes in the vehicle.
  • After performing a careful inspection, every of the stored codes and freeze frame data are retrieved as it can help down the way for further diagnosis process.
  • Most often he has to inspect the solenoid itself to see if they are faulty or damaged. Additional error codes that are stored in the vehicle are also addressed.
  • The mechanic performs a continuity test between the PCM and solenoid to check the resistance.
  • If the solenoid or the control modules are not faulty, he will then retune the code and test drive the vehicle.
  • Now when the car is taken out for a test drive, if the P0B67 code does not return soon, he will know that there is an existence of erratic condition.

Common Mistakes When Diagnosing The P0B67 Code

  • There can be a failure in the battery contactor assembly
  • Battery wiring and connector issues
  • Powertrain Control Module faults
  • Defaults in the battery energy control module

Other Diagnostic Codes Related To OBD Code P0B67

P0B63 - Hybrid Battery Voltage Sense "I" Circuit

P0B64 - Hybrid Battery Voltage Sense "I" Circuit Range/Performance

P0B65 - Hybrid Battery Voltage Sense "I" Circuit Low

P0B66 - Hybrid Battery Voltage Sense "I" Circuit High