
Guide To P0727 OBD Error Code Solutions

OBD Code P0727 - Engine Speed Input Circuit No Signal

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Fault code P0727 can be defined as Engine Speed Input Circuit No Signal. This trouble code indicates that there is some issue with the engine speed input circuit. The engine input speed sensor is responsible for sending a signal about the engine’s speed to the powertrain control module (PCM).

Learn More About OBD Error Code P0727

Do you want to gain some more knowledge about the P0727 trouble code?


This trouble code is generic, which would mean that it can apply to all the vehicles which are equipped with the OBD-II or the vehicles which are made since 1996 up to the present. The specifications on the definition, the troubleshooting steps as well as repairs can always vary from one vehicle make to another. This can happen because of a lot of reasons and the mechanic should diagnose the specific cause for this code.


What causes this problem with the Engine Speed Input Circuit No Signal?


  • There can be some flaws in the mechanical transmission
  • Excessive metal deposits on the magnetic tip of the sensor
  • The wiring and/or connectors in the engine speed input circuit might be opened or shorted
  • Defects in the engine speed input sensor or transmission output speed sensor
  • Engine speed sensor reluctor ring might be faulty or worn

Replace/Repair These Parts To Fix OBD Code P0727

  1. EGR Valve Gasket - There can be some issues with the EGR Valve Gasket due to which you may see P0727 code appearing over and over again. Visit us to buy best quality EGR Valve Gasket online.
  2. Automatic Transmission Sensor - A lot of issues can arise do to defective Automatic Transmission Sensor. Did you just see P0727 code flashing? Now you know the reason why it is appearing. Get it inspected and replaced on time.
  3. Oil Pressure Sender - Faulty Oil Pressure Sender can be the reason why P0727 code is flashing. Visit us to purchase top notch Oil Pressure Sender online.
  4. Turbocharger - It is an important auto part which needs full care. A faulty Turbocharger can be a reason behind the flashing up of P0727 code.
  5. Powertrain Control Module - OBD Code P0727 can appear because of faulty Powertrain Control Module.
  6. Engine Wiring Connectors - There can be some issues with the Engine Wiring Connectors due to which you may see P0727 code appearing over and over again. Visit us to buy best quality Engine Wiring Connectors online.
  7. Engine Control Module - Are you facing some faults in your Engine Control Module? Don’t worry and get them replaced or else P0727 code can turn up.

Symptoms Of OBD Error Code P0727

We care for our customers and that’s why we can totally understand your problem. That’s the reason why we have listed out some major symptoms behind the flashing up of OBD Code P0727. They are mentioned here as follows:


Common Symptoms


  • Transmission fails to shift or shifts abnormally
  • Defective tachometer
  • Transmission slippage or detained engagement
  • Inconsistent speedometer/odometer
  • Automatic transmissions may shift harshly

How To Correct P0727 Engine Speed Input Circuit No Signal

If you wish to correct this fault code, then you have to follow certain steps. Correcting a problem needs your careful attention. Here are some ways with the help of which you will be able to correct the OBD Code P0727:


  • If there are some faults in the electrical components, then it should be replaced
  • Carefully replace the defective engine input speed sensor
  • Make sure to replace the defective shift solenoid
  • Carefully restore the engine drivability sensor
  • The contaminated transmission fluid should be corrected properly

Now are you thinking that from where will you purchase these car parts? You have arrived at the right place. We at Parts Avatar care for our customers, that’s why we provide best quality of exhaust pressure sensor, exhaust pressure control valve, automatic transmission module, egr pressure sensor, turbo kit, turbo car, oil pressure switches, electric turbo, turbo diesel, twin turbo kits at marketable prices.

Easy Diagnosis Of Engine Error OBD Code P0727

Do you wish to diagnose P0727 error code easily? Here are some steps which you should follow in order to diagnose this fault code:


If you want to diagnose the P0727 code accurately, then you will need a diagnostic scanner, a digital volt/ohmmeter (DVOM), and a reliable vehicle information source. Prior to diagnosing an automatic transmission related code (anything in the P0700s), it would be a good idea to check the condition and level of the transmission fluid.


The automatic transmission fluid level should be inspected properly. A lot of OBD-II equipped vehicles have automatic transmission dipsticks/tubes but others do not. Your vehicle information source will guide you to the proper method for checking the transmission fluid level.


Check the transmission housing, lines, and cooler for leaks if the fluid level is low. Repair leaks as per the requirement and refill the transmission according to manufacturer’s recommendations. Just make sure that no more leaks are present. Now after that focus on the odor of the transmission fluid.


Suspect that the transmission has incurred catastrophic mechanical failure if the fluid smells excessively burnt, appears extremely black, or has a heavy metallic hue. With no more leaks present and the transmission full of the recommended fluid, visually inspect wiring and connectors for signs of corrosion, overheating, or other damage.


You can always use the scanner if no visibly damaged wiring or connectors are present and the transmission is filled to the recommended level with the appropriate fluid, connect the scanner to the vehicle diagnostic port and retrieve all stored codes and freeze frame data.


You can always write this information down because it may prove helpful as my diagnosis goes forward. If the P0727 is reset, connect the scanner to the vehicle and observe the engine speed input signal (to the PCM) using the data display screen. Carefully monitor the data display screen while test driving the vehicle. The engine input speed should be noted down and see if it varies greatly from engine RPM. If it does, suspect a defective engine input speed sensor or reluctor ring damage/wear.


Test the engine speed input sensor. Consult your vehicle information source and follow testing recommendations to test the engine input speed sensor. Replace the engine input speed sensor if it does not fall within specs. If it is within specifications, proceed to the next step.


Testing the engine speed input sensor circuit. Test the engine input speed sensor signal by connecting the test leads (of the DVOM) to the signal wire and the sensor ground wire at the sensor connector. Follow manufacturer’s specifications and look for glitches/spikes in sensor signal voltage.


If the sensor signal seems to be in order, use the DVOM to test system circuits between the sensor connector and the PCM (see note below). Additional diagnostic notes: An oscilloscope is great for observing live data from the sensor. Unplug electrical connectors from related controllers before using the DVOM to check resistance and continuity of system circuits.


Common Mistakes When Diagnosing The P0727 Code


  • Defective crankshaft position sensor
  • Problems related to wiring
  • Powertrain control module might have some quirks
  • Faults in the transmission control module

Other Diagnostic Codes Related To OBD Code P0727

P0725 - Engine Speed input Circuit Malfunction

P0726 - Engine Speed Input Circuit Range/Performance

P0728 - Engine Speed Input Circuit Intermittent