
P0267 - OBD Trouble Code

OBD Code P0267 - Cylinder 3 Injector Circuit Low

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The fault code P0267 is an OBD diagnostic code which would indicate that the engine control module has detected the cylinder number 3 injector circuit having a high resistance open circuit or shorted windings. This trouble code can be defined as cylinder 3 injector circuit low.

Learn More about OBD Error Code P0267

This fault code would be triggered up when the engine control would detect a low voltage in the fuel injector 3 Circuit. In case of normal conditions, the fuel injectors would be turned ON and OFF by the engine control module in the fuel injection system. This trouble code is generic, which would mean that it can apply to all the vehicles which are equipped with the OBD-II or the vehicles which are made since 1996 up to the present. The specifications on the definition, the troubleshooting steps as well as repairs can always vary from one vehicle make to another. This can happen because of a lot of reasons and the mechanic should diagnose the specific cause for this code.


What causes this problem with the Cylinder 3 Injector Circuit Low?


  • The fuel injector on the number 3 cylinder might have a broken or weak internal return spring which could cause decrease in the reference voltage level
  • The wiring or connector which is associated with the number 3 cylinder could be having or causing a connection issue and connection issues may also cause voltage levels to decrease or become inaccurate
  • The powertrain control module can have some issues

Replace/Repair These Parts To Fix OBD Code P0267

  1. Fuel Injector - Did your mechanic just found out that there is some fault in the Fuel Injector? Buy top notch Fuel Injector from us at economical prices.
  2. Fuel System - A faulty Fuel System can cause a lot of issues. It would be nice if you get it replaced on time.
  3. Engine Wiring Connector - Everything is fine with the Fuel System and still OBD code P0267 flashing? Then there is definitely some fault with the Engine Wiring Connector. Get it checked and replace if needed.
  4. Powertrain Control Module - Powertrain Control Module is an important car part which should never be neglected. May be there is some fault in it due to which P0267 code may start flashing.
  5. Engine Control Module - A faulty Engine Control Module can be troublesome. You can always rely on us as we have best auto parts for our customers.

Symptoms Of OBD Error Code P0267

We care for our customers and that’s why we can totally understand your problem. That’s the reason why we have listed out some major symptoms behind the flashing up of OBD Code P0267. They are mentioned here as follows:


Common Symptoms

  • The check engine light can start appearing
  • The car engine might start misfiring and have a rough idle
  • Decreased fuel economy

How To Correct P0267 Cylinder 3 Injector Circuit Low

We have listed out some ways which would help you to correct the OBD P0267


  • First of all, you must replace the fuel injector on the number 3 cylinder
  • Repair or replace the wiring or connectors that are associated with the fuel injector on the number 3 cylinder
  • If there is some damage in the powertrain control module, then you must replace it

Now are you thinking that from where will you purchase these car parts? You have arrived at the right place. We at Parts Avatar care for our customers, that’s why we provide best quality of fuel injector harness, body control module, injection pump at marketable prices.

Easy Diagnosis Of Engine Error OBD Code P0267

Here are some steps which you should follow in order to diagnose this fault code:


  • Diagnose this trouble code by first locating the number 3 cylinder fuel injector
  • Now once the fuel injector on the number 3 cylinder has been located, the mechanic would test the fuel injector using the manufacturer’s suggested procedure. This test will reveal if the internal spring has failed due to the reference voltage that is produced by the fuel injector during this test
  • Then the wiring and connector that are associated with the fuel injector on the number 3 cylinder should be carefully checked for damages

After these tests have been performed and the problem has still not been located, then there is surely some issues with the powertrain control module and would be tested by the mechanic. Once a determination has been made by the mechanic, he would share this information with the owner of the vehicle.


Common Mistakes When Diagnosing The P0267 Code


  • There can be some defects in the fuel injector
  • Faulty or corroded Fuel Injector, wiring, or connections
  • Issue of clogged fuel injector
  • There can be dirt in the fuel injector

Other Diagnostic Codes Related To OBD Code P0267

P0261 - Cylinder 1 Injector Circuit Low

P0262 - Cylinder 1 Injector Circuit High

P0263 - Cylinder 1 Contribution/Balance Fault

P0264 - Cylinder 2 Injector Circuit Low

P0265 - Cylinder 2 Injector Circuit High

P0266 - Cylinder 2 Contribution/Balance Fault

P0268 - Cylinder 3 Injector Circuit High

P0269 - Cylinder 3 Contribution/Balance Fault

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