
P0219 - OBD Trouble Code

OBD Code P0219 - Engine Overspeed Condition

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The fault code P0219 can be defined as engine overspeed condition. This code would start indicating that the powertrain control module has received a signal from the engine RPM sensor that the car engine has exceeded the maximum allowable limit.

Learn More About OBD Error Code P0219

The P0219 code would mean that the revolutions per minute of the engine’s crankshaft measured by the tachometer have crossed the limit which was predetermined by the vehicle’s manufacturer.

What causes this problem with the Engine Overspeed Condition?

  • Driver error from deliberate or accidental over revving of the engine
  • The ckp or cmp sensor might be defective
  • There can be poor transmission input or output speed sensor
  • Open or shorted circuit in the ckp, cmp, or transmission input/output speed sensor system
  • The powertrain control module programming error

Replace/Repair These Parts To Fix OBD Code P0219

  1. Transmission Speed Sensor - Defective Transmission speed sensor can be a major reason why P0219 code depicts. So, make sure to replace it online so that you don’t have to face any further issues.
  2. Cmp Sensor - Everything is okay with the Transmission speed sensor and still OBD code P0219 triggering? Then there must be some defects in Cmp sensor. Replace them as soon as possible.
  3. Speed Sensor - P0219 code flashing? Get your Speed sensor inspected from a mechanic.
  4. Powertrain Control Module - If everything is alright with Cmp sensor, then there is surely some defect in Powertrain control module. Get it replaced before the situation gets worse.
  5. Knock Sensor - P0219 code can display due to some faults in the Knock sensor. So, it is very important to replace the Knock sensor with us at equitable prices.

Symptoms Of OBD Error Code P0219

You might be thinking that how would you diagnose these problems? We at Parts Avatar Canada would help you diagnose the major symptoms easily.

Common Symptoms

  • The engine may be allowed to over-rev repeatedly
  • Knock sensor activation/knock sensor codes
  • Clutch can start slipping

How To Correct P0219 Engine Overspeed Condition

The repairs which you will have to do to correct this fault code are simply straightforward, you can surely pinpoint the necessary repairs on the basis of your diagnosis. Have a look at some common fixes:


  • The first thing which should be done is to simply erase the code
  • The engine speed sensor should be replaced
  • Replacing the powertrain control module


There is no need to get strained if your OBD Code is still flashing up as we are here at your service. Have a look at our superior variety of ECU, EGR valve, throttle position sensor and many more. Now all your problems would vanish within no time.

Easy Diagnosis Of Engine Error OBD Code P0219

You must follow these steps mentioned below to diagnose this fault code:

  • There is an overspeed sensor in the engine (usually a two or three-wire variable resistance sensor) which provides the pcm with data
  • The sensor has a voltage wire which is typically it is a 5-volt reference signal and a ground wire
  • The powertrain control module would use the reference voltage wire to monitor engine speed
  • As engine speed increases, sensor resistance would start decreasing and reference voltage increases
  • As engine rpms increase, sensor resistance climbs higher, driving reference voltage to the pcm down
  • The powertrain control module receives input reference voltage readings as variations in engine rpm and reacts accordingly
  • If the speed of the engine is excessive, then the code would be stored and a service engine soon lamp is illuminated. A scanner or code reader, a digital volt ohmmeter, and access to a manufacturer’s wiring schematic will be necessary to successfully diagnose this code
  • Make sure that you begin your diagnosis with a visual inspection of all wiring and connectors
  • Repair or replace damaged, disconnected, shorted, or corroded wiring, connectors, and components as necessary
  • Always retest the system after repairs are completed to ensure success. If all system wiring, connectors, and components (including fuses) appear to be in normal working order, connect the scanner (or code reader) to the diagnostic connector and record all stored codes and freeze frame data
  • This information can be extremely helpful in diagnosing intermittent conditions that may have contributed to this code being stored
  • Now once the codes have been cleared, operate the vehicle to see if the code returns
  • If the code fails to immediately return, you may have an intermittent condition
  • Intermittent conditions can prove to be quite a challenge to diagnose and in extreme cases may have to be allowed to worsen before a correct diagnosis can be made. Proceed by unplugging the electrical connector from the engine speed sensor and testing for reference voltage
  • This is usually 5-volts but consult your manufacturer’s service manual to be sure
  • If there is a 5-volt signal present with the ignition turned to the run position, then check the sensor ground wire
  • If both the reference signal and the ground signal are present, test the sensor resistance using the manufacturer’s temperature to resistance chart
  • Compare your findings to the manufacturer’s specifications and replace the sensor if it fails to comply. If the sensor and voltage at the sensor are within acceptable specifications, disconnect the pcm electrical connector and test circuit continuity and resistance between the sensor and the pcm
  • Repair or replace system circuitry and components as required and retest the system. Should all system circuitry and sensors check out, suspect a faulty pcm but keep in mind that pcm failure is rare and pcm replacement will require reprogramming.

Common Mistakes When Diagnosing The P0219 Code

The most common mistake which is made by a lot of people while diagnosing the P0219 fault code can be replacing the engine speed sensor or even the powertrain control module when in reality there is no need to replace these parts