Easy Steps You Can Follow To Clean Your Car’s Headlights
If your car's headlights aren't as bright at night or appear foggy during the day, they need to be thoroughly cleaned. Any vehicle will develop dim and foggy headlights due to the aging process of the vehicle, but you can solve the issue. DIY headlight cleaning requires some time and effort on your part. This article will show how to restore the appearance of your car's headlights using the proper car cleaning materials.
Step-By-Step Guide To Clean Your Car Headlights
Step 1. Inspect Your Car Headlights
Step 2. Washing The Headlights
Regular road dust and grit can cause your headlights to appear hazy and foggy. Give your car’s headlight a quick wash with basic warm water and car wash soap. Cleaning any exterior dirt from the headlights will prevent scratching the headlight lenses. The headlights should be completely cleaned and dried before use. Inspect them thoroughly for any specific damage.
Step 3. Bring A Few Grades Of Sandpapers
You will need to clean the headlights with a fine series of wet or dry sandpaper (1500 grit or 2000 grit).
Step 4. Put Tape Around The Edge Of The Headlights
When you are using sandpaper to smooth the surface of your car’s headlights, you want to make sure you don't get too hard and scratch the paint off the edge of the headlights. To prevent scratching of the paint on the car where the headlights contact it, use some masking tape around the edge of the headlights.
Step 5. Smoothing the Surface Of The Headlights
Step 6. Apply Polishing Compound To A Microfiber Cloth
Step 7. Continue To The Polishing Process
You may have to add more than three coats of polishing compound to make the headlights more clear. Continue polishing until you're happy with the clarity and brightness of the light. You can put your headlights to the test by flashing them on the garage wall or any flat surface. After you are satisfied with the clarity and brightness of your headlights, you can remove the masking tape from the edge of the headlights.
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