Get GMC Terrain Wiper Arms Near Me. Shop GMC Terrain Wiper Arms. Browse Best GMC Terrain Wiper Arms & GMC Terrain Window Wiper Arm. Maintaining the wiper arms on your GMC Terrain is critical for clear visibility and safety. To ensure longevity, clean the arms regularly with a soft cloth, avoid using them to clear heavy snow or debris, and replace the blades at the first sign of streaking or skipping. When selecting new wiper arms, opt for those that are designed to match Terrain's specific measurements and contours, such as beam blades for superior contact and traditional bracket blades for cost-effectiveness. High-quality materials like stainless steel or aluminum offer durability, and for a hassle-free installation, choose wiper arms with an easy clip-on mechanism. With the right care and the perfect fit, your GMC Terrain's wiper arms will provide reliable performance through every season.