Table of Contents
In this article:
1. Why Do You Need To Check Your Brakes After The Winter?
2. Why Spring Is The Best Time To Service Your Brake System?
3. How Does Winter Cause Brake System Trouble?
1 Why Do You Need To Check Your Brakes After The Winter?
Most of us are familiar with the normal deterioration process that our brake system undergoes. Friction is a huge contributing factor in this regard. The brake pads and shoes wear off with use and require replacement. Similarly, the brake rotor also gets corroded away slowly and the brake drum surface needs refinishing. However, this is the normal wear process of the brake components and cannot be avoided. What makes things worse is the introduction of extreme weather conditions.
Winter not only brings in extremely cold temperatures but also road salt, moisture, grime, and ice which speeds up the deterioration of the brake system parts, making the system prone to premature failure. This can severely endanger your and your vehicle’s safety.
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2 Why Spring Is The Best Time To Service Your Brake System?
Spring is the ideal time to work on your vehicle’s brake system and here’s why: After the temperatures have reached bearable levels, you have the chance to actually examine the effects of the winter season on the vehicle. This also gives you the opportunity to fix the problems in your car before summer arrives. Summer is when you will be spending more time on the road, instead of your garage, so spring marks the best time for servicing your ride and preparing it for the upcoming months.
3 How Does Winter Cause Brake System Trouble?

Two important factors cause brake problems in the winter; The first has to do with the oil used in the brake system, and the second is because of rust.
Moisture On The Attack
Brake oil works well all the way down to -40℃ so freezing oil is not an issue. But glycol-ether-based brake fluids are hygroscopic, which means it absorbs moisture from the air. The moisture build-up in the system can freeze during cold months and cause the brakes to stick and malfunction. Excess water in the brake lines can decrease the fluid’s boiling point causing overheating issues which can result in total brake failure.
Rust Is The Enemy
Rust is a big issue for all vehicles on the Canadian roads, primarily because they are constantly exposed to the rusting elements. Moisture from snow and ice creates breeding grounds for rust to stem on all the brake system components like the brake rotors, drums, lines, parking brake hardware, etc. Road salt accelerates the oxidation process on various surfaces.
This layer of rust can cause many problems with the brake parts. Apart from its unsightly appearance, rust increases friction between moving parts, which in turn increases component wear between the likes of calliper sliders and pads leading to brakes sticking or worse – complete brake seizure. Rust can also decrease the cooling functionality of the brake parts which can cause overheating issues. Pitting in the brake lines and cables can make them weaker and more susceptible to leaks and failure. Failing parking brake cables can even prevent the vehicle from moving.
The repeated freezing and deicing of the rubber surfaces found in the brake system like the piston seals, rubber cables and caliper slider boots can make them brittle and weak resulting in improper working of the brake system components.
4 Service Your Brakes

Harsh winters are unavoidable in Canada and so are the impacts it has on our vehicles. However, we can take active steps towards preventing serious issues by carrying out regular inspections and brake service. The first step to any service is inspection. Check the brake lines for leaks, the brake pads and rotors for wear and verify the condition of various parts. This should be followed for replacing all worn or damaged components. The brake service can be done by a professional at your local garage or you can give it a go yourself, saving you labour costs. A properly functioning brake system can give you the confidence to drive better and with greater safety so make sure to service your brakes regularly.
While you are at it, you might also want to service other crucial components in your vehicle this spring.