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The right way to keep your car in good shape is to use the right set of tools for maintenance. Screwdrivers and holders are such essential and common types of tools that are a must in order to accomplish any mechanical task at an ease. Therefore, they are a must-have in every vehicle’s tool kit.
Unfortunately, because of less awareness, most of us could hardly figure out how to find the right tool during any situational emergency. This article aims to provide a complete understanding of screwdrivers and holders (bit holders) that will help you pick the right set of tools for your vehicle in your time of need.
A recent study on the usage of Screwdrivers stated that around 42 percent of the respondents use their screwdrivers often, 38 percent believed that it’s always better to have one handy and 15 percent of them said they could not live without it.
In this article:
1. Difference Between Screwdriver And Screw Holders
4. How To Turn A Troublesome Screw?
1 Difference Between Screwdriver And Screw Holders

A screwdriver or a nut driver is a tool that can be either powered or used manually to turn and fit the screws. A simple screwdriver has a handle that is attached to the shaft with a tip at the end, that fits with the head of the screw following which it could be turned and tightened. They are often used to connect one body part with the other.
Screw Holders

Screw or bit holders are transparent rubber sleeves that slide onto the tip of the screwdriver and could fit into any tiny place easily. One can simply fit the screw into the screw holder and use it to insert and tighten the screw head instead of using a screwdriver. These screw holders fit perfectly with different sizes and types of screwdrivers.
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2 How To Use Screw holders?

Screw holders are a perfect match for hanging onto those screws that must fit into the tiniest places. Instead of holding a screw in place with your fingers in one hand and wielding the screwdriver with the other one, you can simply fit the small screws into the screw holder and use the screw holder instead of a screwdriver to insert into the hole and tighten the screw.
3 Types Of Screwdrivers

Screws and screwdrivers come in different sizes and types. However, the common types used are the slot head (standard/flat), Phillips’s head, and offset screwdrivers. There are other not-so-commonly used types of screwdrivers too, like the Torx or star head, with a super cool six-pointed star-shaped head, which is used on things that need to be extremely tightened.
Slot Head Screwdrivers

Slot (also known as flat) heads or standard screwdrivers are the oldest and most commonly used screwdrivers. As the name goes, this screwdriver has a flat-shaped screw head that gets along a metal shaft and handles. This Screwdriver gets along only with the slotted screw head and is hence used to tighten or loosen screws that have a straight or flat head.
Philips Head Screwdrivers

Phillips Screwdrivers were invented with the intention of introducing power-driven screwdrivers in most industries. These screwdrivers have a plus or cross-shaped screw head at the top. Phillips screwdrivers were invented to cope with greater torque, especially when the other end is fixed to a wall. Phillips Screwdrivers fit well with Phillips bits.
Offset Screwdrivers

A simple offset screwdriver comprises a combination of two L-shaped metal shafts joined end to end. One end of the shaft has the tip of a slot or flat-headed screwdriver and the other end has the tip of a Phillips screwdriver. They also can be of different sizes with the same style of head. The S-shaped feature of this screwdriver makes it easy to be used in tight spaces.
Note: Not using the right type or right size of a screwdriver for a particular screw type, having a different bit size, can cause damage to the screw. It could also strain your hands. For instance, you would require a different screwdriver to fix heavy items or a home depot or even fix an item on the wall. You might also need wood screws sometimes. Certain screwdrivers provide a greater torque to deal with heavy items.
4 How To Turn A Troublesome Screw?

When you confront a troublesome screw that is difficult to unscrew, try turning it slightly by using one of the manual screwdrivers in the clockwise direction, just as you usually do to tighten one. Then try turning it in the anticlockwise direction. Following this, you can loosen the troublesome screw.
If that does not help, try hammering the tip of the screw a bit, but carefully, without damaging it, following which you can loosen it. In the worst of situations, one can use penetrating oil, and then you can try turning the troublesome screw in the anticlockwise direction to loosen it successfully.
Screws, bolts, screwdriver bits, and small screws are just one of the many things that we use in our daily lives, and so are screwdrivers and bit holders. No toolbox is complete without screws having different screw sizes in them. The next time you are looking for the right set of screwdrivers and drill bits, keep the above-mentioned insights in your mind and find the right one.