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Hood – How To Add Hood Pins And Hood Ornaments
Automobile design is undoubtedly an influential art, and it directly influences how we feel about a car. Over time, car design has changed significantly from curvy and boxy designs to today’s sleek and streamlined models. Car hoods, for example, have changed a lot over a few decades. There was a time when hood ornaments graced almost every car but are a rare sight today. However, the tradition of hood ornaments has been continued to date by a few manufacturers like Rolls Royce, Mercedes, Maybach, etc.
As time passed, the design of vehicles changed according to driving styles, the purpose of a vehicle, and emerging technologies. The car hood design also changed as manufacturers started using lighter materials, hoods with integrated air hood scoops, and sleek designs for better aerodynamics and performance. Cars used for racing purposes are equipped with lighter hoods with lock pins that secure the hood and prevent it from opening at high speeds. If you wish to add a hood ornament to your old classic vehicle or you are into racing and wondering how to keep your hood secured, this article will help you with both.
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In this article:
1. What Are Hood Pins?
- What are Hood Pins Used For?
2. How To Install Hood Pins On Your Car?
3. What Are Hood Ornaments?
4. How To Install Hood Ornaments On Your Car?
5. How to Install a Car Hood by Yourself?
1 What Are Hood Pins?

A hood pin is an aftermarket addition to the hood of your vehicle that helps in securing the hood down to prevent it from opening at high speeds if the hood latch fails. Hood pins are useful and recommended for lighter aftermarket hoods and race cars. It’s often compulsory for race cars to have hood pins before participating in a competition because the hoods used on these vehicles are lighter and if equipped with air scoops, the chances of the hood to lift increases. Furthermore, racers usually remove their car’s hood latch mechanism and use hood pins to make the car lighter for better performance. Even if you have a latch mechanism, it can fail due to a myriad of reasons. Regardless of the reason, if it fails and opens up accidentally, it can hamper your vision while driving and can even lead to a fatal accident. Therefore, hood pins are used for keeping your hood from opening accidentally. They are available in different styles like Hairpin Clip type, Q-clip style, Captive Scuff type, etc. Most hood pin kits consist of a scuff plate, lanyard, hood pin, and a clip.
What are Hood Pins Used For?
Hood pins are a type of locking mechanism that is typically used to secure a car’s hood. They work by inserting a pin into a hole in the body of the car, which prevents the hood from being opened. Hood pins can be purchased at most auto parts stores, and they are relatively easy to install.
Hood pins are primarily used as a safety measure to keep your hood from flying up while you’re driving. They act as a secondary latch, in addition to the primary latch that is located inside the car. Hood pins can also be used for aesthetic purposes, and are often seen on race cars or other high-performance vehicles.
2 How To Install Hood Pins On Your Car?

Besides their importance, knowing how to add car hood pins properly is extremely important. To make the installation procedure easy, we have jotted down all the relevant information and a stepwise guide so you can install your hood pins easily. Follow the steps closely with precaution because missing something or a wrong step can damage the hood of your vehicle.
Tools Required:
- Drill
- Files
- Drill Bits
- Marker
- Cut-off Tools
- Gloves
- Pliers
- Spanner
- Screwdriver
- Masking Tape
- Wear protective clothing, gloves, and safety goggles before starting the process. Drilling into metal and fiberglass can be harmful because flying particles can get into your eyes.
- Open the hood of your vehicle and choose a mounting location for the hood pin. This spot will act as an anchor for the pins that will keep the hood locked in position. Usually, the radiator support beam is an ideal spot. Use your best judgment by identifying a strong frame member or bracket where the hood pin has to be drilled. Mark that spot.
- Drill the hole in the marked spot. Refer to the installation manual supplied with the hood pins to determine what size of the hole is to be drilled. Drill two holes for the pins and ensure that they are equidistant from each other.
- Once you have drilled the holes, screw the hood pins and secure them using a washer and nut. Hand-tighten the nut because you might have to adjust them later.
- After the pins are secured in place, it’s time to mark the spots under the hood. Apply some white grease or petroleum jelly on top of the pins you just installed. Gently lower the hood until it contacts the pins. The grease or jelly will stick to the underside of the hood, leaving a mark. If you are unable to see the marks, apply a masking tape and then repeat this step.
- Use a drill and carefully make a hole where the hood is marked. Start with a smaller drill bit to make a guide hole and then follow up with a larger drill bit to increase the hole size. The hole size should be wide just enough to accommodate the hood pins that were mounted earlier. Refer to the instructions included in the hood pin kit manual for precise measurements.
- Once the hole is drilled, smoothen out the edges using a grinding stone tool.
- After grinding and smoothening out the edges, paint the area to ensure no metal is exposed. This will prevent rust and can be done by using any automotive-grade paint. Use a paintbrush and apply a few coats of paint on the bare metal surface for optimum adhesion.
- Now place the scuff plate over the hood pin and use a marker to mark the mounting holes.
- Pick your hand drill and make holes according to the markings. These are usually four in number and the kit is provided with 4 fasteners that help you secure the scuff plate to the hood.
- Use a screwdriver to fasten the scuff plate to the hood and shut the hood slowly. The pin will protrude out of the scuff plate opening smoothly.
- Open the hood and adjust the height of the pins by rotating them until they stick out slightly above the hood’s surface. When you are satisfied with the pin height, tighten the lock pin nut using a spanner.
- Now the final step is to insert your hood pin clip through the opening at the top of the lock pins. The pins will fit snugly and keep the hood secured in its place. If the hood is not snug and there’s slack, adjust the lock pin’s height again for a perfect fit.
- If you want to secure the pins for extra protection, you can use lanyards. Hook one end of the lanyard to the eyehole of the clip.
- Drill a hole on the radiator support member or someplace else under the hood. Fasten a screw through the other end of the lanyard and into the hole. This will keep the lanyard attached to the vehicle and your hood pin clips secured.
Some cars have holes or indentations which can be used to plant your hood pins easily. If you are not using pre-set holes or your car doesn’t have any, carefully measure and drill the holes to ensure that are at equal distance. Also, make sure that the holes are drilled at the right spot near the front section of the hood so the pins match with the hood perfectly and do not interfere with the hood insulation pad.
3 What Are Hood Ornaments?

Hood ornaments are specially crafted models, mascots, or symbols attached to the front center portion of the hood of the vehicle. They are used as a unique signature by car manufacturers and for improving the aesthetics of the vehicle. Some of the recognizable car hood ornaments include a Leaping Jaguar, Dancing Elephant by Bugatti, Spirit of Ecstasy by Rolls-Royce, etc.
4 How To Install Hood Ornaments On Your Car?

Today it’s rare to see a car with a decorated hood but you can install one on your vehicle yourself. Having a personal hood ornament will make your car stand out and can be done simply by following the detailed stepwise procedure below.
- Start with identifying the place where you want to place the hood ornament on your vehicle. Usually, the preferred place is the front center section of the hood.
- Mask the section of the hood using tape and use a marker to mark the points where the hole needs to be drilled. Usually, hood ornaments will have one or two holes. If it has two holes, precisely measure the distance between the two holes and mark the hood accordingly.
- If the hood ornament you bought didn’t come with bolts, screw a double-end threaded bolt into the hole of the hood ornament. Attach two bolts if it has two holes. You might have to use adhesives to keep the bolts and the ornament secured firmly.
- Now, check the holes and measurements again and take a drill and make two holes on the hood of your vehicle according to the markings. Progressively use larger drill bits until you get to a size slightly larger than the bolts.
- Peel the masking tape off the hood and insert the ornament bolts to the hood of the vehicle. Attach a washer and nut from beneath the hood.
- Use a ratchet and socket set to secure the hood ornament firmly to the vehicle. You have successfully installed a hood ornament.
Hood pins are a good way to secure the hood of your vehicle and they act as secondary means to the factory-installed latch mechanism. If you are into racing or planning to get an aftermarket lighter hood, ensure to get the hood pins installed. Other than hood pins, hood ornaments and badges are also a great way of modifying your vehicle and adding a distinct look to your vehicle. This guide will not only help you in achieving safety and better looks on your vehicle but will also help you save a lot of money on fabrication costs charged by a professional.
5 How to Install a Car Hood by Yourself?
Installing a car hood by yourself can be a challenging task, but it is possible with the right tools and techniques. Here are some general steps to follow:
- Remove the old hood: Open the hood and locate the bolts that attach it to the hinges. Remove these bolts and lift the hood off the car.
- Prepare the new hood: Inspect the new hood for any damage or defects. If it is in good condition, you can proceed to install it. If it is not painted, you may want to have it painted before installation.
- Install the new hood: Place the new hood onto the hinges and align it with the body of the car. Insert the bolts and tighten them securely. Make sure the hood is level and closes properly.
It’s important to note that the process may vary depending on the make and model of your car, so it’s always a good idea to consult your car’s manual or a professional mechanic if you’re unsure.