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A driving safety course does not have to be taken as a result of reckless driving on the road. In fact, taking a road safety course may provide you with a driving advantage or two in the coming days, months, and years. The advantages of taking a course can range from the abstract and experiential to the more tangible and even financial.
We’ve put together this article to expand on the potential benefits of taking a driving safety course, focusing specifically on defensive driving education.
Check out our other fascinating content on road safety here.
In this article:
2. How Does One Become a Good Defensive Driver?
3. Defensive Driving Course Benefits
4. Advantages of Driving Safety Courses – Final Thoughts
1 What Is Defensive Driving?
We’ve all seen aggressive drivers, but what is a defensive driver? Defensive driving is generally taught in a type of tactical driving class, focused on ensuring safety on the roads for both you and other drivers. The goal of taking a driving safety course is to learn how to act in high-pressure road situations, you can’t control how anyone else will behave on the roads.
With over 38,000 lives claimed by motor vehicle collisions in the US in 2020 alone, you can never be too safe when on the roads. Equipping yourself with the tools and knowledge to handle emergencies, tiredness, emotional stress, and even road rage can only be a good thing. Some would say that defensive driving is simply common sense, but you’ll only feel the true benefits of it with the proper education.

2 How Does One Become a Good Defensive Driver?
Just so you have a clearer picture of what the results look like, we’ve decided to list some of the typical behaviors of a good defensive driver. However, it’s important to remember that education is the only key to defensive driving in reality.
Typical defensive driver behavior includes the following:
- Preparation for journeys
- Focus on the road
- Risk prediction
- Leaving space between yourself and other drivers
- Avoiding anger or road rage
- Proper signaling during lane changes
- Lack of trust in other drivers
- Situational scanning
3 Defensive Driving Course Benefits
Improving Your Overall Driving
Everyone likes to think of themselves as good drivers, and most people are fairly well-suited to driving. However, confidence and a driver’s license do not make great drivers, and excessive confidence is frequently the cause of dangerous accidents. Simply talking the talk does not imply being able to walk the walk (or, in this case, drive the drive!).
Through a defensive driving safety course, you’ll learn valuable techniques and competencies from professional drivers, which should hopefully instill stronger instincts when behind the wheel. With this knowledge, you should become a more confident driver, with the credentials to back your confidence up.
Get Up-to-Date on Laws
How often do you peruse the highway code? Don’t worry, that’s not a trick question. No one does, but maybe we should a little more often.
One of the most significant benefits of enrolling in a dedicated driving safety course is that you will be kept up to date on all of the latest road laws, rules, and regulations, whether it’s the new Canadian policy on impaired driving or some new legislation on how to behave at intersections.
This will keep you from making avoidable mistakes, which will help you keep points off your license. Use a defensive driving course to refresh and update your knowledge of the applicable laws.

Reduce Fines & Points
This benefit is only available if you are already in a less-than-ideal situation, but it is still useful. Driving in dangerous and illegal ways, such as speeding, running lights, and other infractions, can result in points on your license. If you accumulate enough points, you may face significant fines as well as the loss of your driver’s license.
By taking a sanctioned or voluntary driving safety course, you can sometimes remove points or even write off tickets on your driving record. By reducing fines and your potential of losing your license, you’re really protecting your finances. Also, with the knowledge that you pick up from the course, you’re much less likely to make the same mistakes again!

Save Money on Insurance
Although there is no guarantee, taking a defensive driving course can save you a significant amount of money on your car insurance with the right policy provider. Most providers will offer a 5% discount on your policy for proof of completion of the course, with some providers offering as much as 10% off your insurance.
Being a car owner isn’t cheap, so it makes sense to save wherever you can, and a cheaper insurance policy is an effective way to do so. A defensive driving course isn’t going to be free of charge, but if it could bring your monthly insurance spending down, being a valuable investment.
4 Advantages of Driving Safety Courses – Final Thoughts
While there are plenty of personal and individual benefits to be enjoyed by taking a defensive driving course, the ultimate reward is safer roads for yourself and everyone around you. Road accidents are one of the leading causes of injuries and untimely deaths in the US and Canada, and if you can contribute to lowering that figure, there’s no reason to.
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