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How To Prepare And Fix Car Doors And Locks In Winter?
Winters and extreme weather put car owners against an array of challenges. With the winter in its full swing, you can face problems like damage from corrosion, dangerous driving conditions on salty snow roads, dead batteries, frozen vehicle locks, and jammed doors. In cold weather, car doors and locks can freeze, shut and refuse to open. But there are plenty of ways to prevent it from happening and you can fix it easily if such a problem arises. In this article, we will address some preventive measures on how to protect your door and handle in winters and ways to fix them.
In this article:
1. How To Prevent Your Car Door And Locks From Freezing?
2. How To Open A Frozen Car Door?
3. How To Open A Frozen Car Lock?
1 How To Prevent Your Car Door And Locks From Freezing?

Prevention is better than cure, we all know it. Therefore, it is better to prevent ice buildup and frozen car doors in the first place by taking precautionary measures. Following methods can help you prevent your car doors and locks from freezing:
- Cover Your Vehicle: When snow during winter is in the forecast and the precipitation levels are high, the most simple and effective way to protect your vehicle is to cover it. Using a car cover will keep your vehicle safe from rains, snow, and ice build-up that can be caused by the water freezing as the temperature drops.
- Inspect Your Car Door Seals: Inspect your door seals to ensure it is not cracked or torn and in good condition. It is a good habit to check the seals on your vehicle’s door and the frame to prevent water from seeping in and freezing. Good quality car door seals last a long time and with a rubber protection spray or conditioner, you can keep the rubber pliable and durable. Furthermore, a silicone lubricant spray can also be used because it repels moisture. Just spray it along the door and frame seals and spread it evenly with a microfiber cloth.
- Use A Plastic Trash Bag: Another method to prevent the ice from locking the doors is to shut a plastic trash bag between the door and the door frame. This is a simple DIY method if you do not have the time to replace your bad door seals that are beyond repair.
- Use Petroleum Jelly: You can also prevent the ice build-up in the door lock of your vehicles by applying vaseline or petroleum jelly to it. An easy way to do this is by dipping your key in petroleum jelly and inserting and turning it in the lock a few times. The jelly creates a protective barrier and prevents moisture from seeping in. Doing this once a week during the winter season will prevent your door locks from freezing.
- Use a lock lubricant: A lock lubricant is a great way to keep your car door locks from freezing and in good condition. There are plenty of lock lubricants like graphite-based lubricants, Teflon, and greaseless lubricants that prevent moisture absorption and attract less dirt and debris. Periodic use of a lubricant is a great way to keep any moisture from coming in and keep the lock lubricated. You can also use WD-40 sometimes by spraying directly into the lock to displace any moisture.
2 How To Open A Frozen Car Door?

Winters in Canada are harsh, and despite your best efforts, you can often find yourself unable to open the car door. Usually, the sunlight takes care of the ice but in extreme weather and no sun, the layers of ice can form between the doors and the car’s body. In such a situation, it’s important to open the doors safely without damaging its other parts or you may be looking at a car door replacement. There are several remedies to this particular problem and a few methods that work are listed below:
Push The Door Before Opening It

The first step is to ensure that the doors are unlocked. If the keyless entry remote works fine, press the unlock key. If the locks are not frozen, use the key to unlock the doors. Now push on the door gently to create a small movement. This must be enough to shatter the ice. Do not apply too much force because it can cause a dent and a small amount of force is enough to break the brittle ice. This easy and quick technique often works and solves the problem.
Pour Warm Water

If the above method doesn’t work, try pouring warm water to melt the deposited ice. Grab a container full of warm water and pour it onto the door of your vehicle. Pour a steady stream onto the ice and around the door frame. Then try pushing the door and pulling the car handle until it opens. However, this method is not advised when the temperatures are extremely low because even the warm water can freeze before it can melt the ice. Also, while trying this method, ensure you use warm and not boiling water as it can shatter the cold glass.
Use Heat Gun Or Hair Dryer

A heat gun or a hairdryer is a simple way to melt the ice around the door of the car. While operating the hairdryer, ensure that you keep a safe 6-inches of distance white heating the surface. It is important to be cautious because excessive heat can melt the door trim and rubber seals. Once the ice is melted, try to open the door gently.
3 How To Open A Frozen Car Lock?

Apart from car doors getting stuck in winters, the car door locks also get frozen and jammed, making it difficult to open the door. In such a condition, do not yank the car handle too hard as it can break. Also, do not try forcing a key into the frozen lock. Be patient and try these methods to gain safe access into the cabin of your vehicle:
Heat The Key

If ice has formed around the door lock and is preventing you from turning the lock, you will have to heat the key to melt the ice away. Heat the metal part of the key with a lighter or a match and slowly insert it into the lock. It will melt the ice away as it makes its way through the keyhole. If the ice formation is too much, you might need to heat it several times before the ice thaws completely. Take precautions while heating if your car has a computerized key fob, as it can damage the electronics if heated too much or too close to the fob.
Use A De-icer

A de-icer is a simple spray-on product that is very helpful in dissolving the ice and prevents moisture that causes further ice build-up. Squirt the de-icer fluid into the lock and the keyhole. Wait for 5 to 10 minutes and the ice will melt unfreezing the lock. If you don’t have access to a de-icer you can also use rubbing alcohol and diluted white vinegar solution.
Once you are in the car, turn the heater on and allow the car to get warm. It’s a good habit to check the weather forecast a few days in advance so you can park your vehicle safely in a shielded location to prevent winter problems from arising in the first place. Any method or combination of the methods mentioned in this guide can help you resolve your frozen car door or lock issue.
These tips are provided for informational purposes only. Any damage or injury incurred in the practice of these methods is not the responsibility of PartsAvatar Canada. If these methods do not work and you are still having trouble with the door or anything else, we encourage you to consult a professional who can inspect your door and make the necessary repairs to have you back on the road.